Adulting - Finding confidence in my opinions

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Lately, I've come to realize that this was the "decade of decisions" for me. I decided where I was going to college, work, live, who I would marry, when to have kids, whether to rent or buy, do I REALLY need to go to Target?

Guys- I've been "Adulting".

I choose to watch the news.  I make a point to eat lots of fruits and veggies (but still binge on fries cause duh). I schedule oil changes and make sure my husband flosses. And I don't hate it!  I love the feeling of control that those responsibilities give me.

I've started to notice that I am extremely comfortable with my opinions. I have no desire to hold back my opinion on topics I feel are important.  I receive a lot of private messages on Facebook of people thanking me for standing up to Facebook bullies and trolls. I realized this came from a few things.

1. I research.  I watch the news, I have discussions, I try to think about things critically and from multiple angles before I fully back something.
2. I am humble yet confident with my intelligence and my experiences but allow for open discussion and the opportunity for someone to change my view through facts, etc..
3. I respect.  I try to support causes and topics that respect others and I try to keep my remarks respectful.  This allows me to feel good about anything that I post.
4. I have finally realized, some people are morons, they're mean, they're ignorant, they don't/won't change their views... and I don't need to worry about them.  I will continue to share my views respectfully and they can choose how to react.
5. My voice matters. It may not matter to many, but it matters to those who reach out to me in private. They may not have the confidence to proclaim certain things, but I do and I am willing to take heat for it because as reflected above, I have put time and thought into forming my opinions.

Bills suck, paying taxes suck... but "adulting" is pretty awesome and I have never felt better.  That's not to say there aren't days that I want to throat punch someone or just go home, put on yoga pants and eat pizza to forget my troubles (cause I have been there MANY times).  For the most part, having autonomy over my life and my choices is friggin awesome.

Find your confidence, find your voice, find your passions. We have so many outlets to be heard.  Utilize them for good.  Help others to find their voices and the strength to share them.  L'Oreal says it best "Cause you're worth it"!

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